Closer examination of deleted web pages shows just how extreme Jay Chen is on issues affecting California’s working families
Garden Grove, CA – The Michelle Steel for Congress Campaign today launched a new campaign series, The Chen Files (Deleted), which will regularly examine Jay Chen’s recently deleted web pages that show just how extreme Chen is on issues affecting California’s working-class families.
“Jay Chen secretly deleted several web pages from his campaign website, and now we know why: Chen is a radical left-wing progressive who wants to double taxes on every single California family,” said Michelle Steel Spokesperson Lance Trover. “The Chen Files (Deleted) will regularly highlight Chen’s far-left policies and expose how by secretly deleting web pages he hopes to fool voters into believing he’s anything but a radical leftist pushing for even higher taxes on working families.”

The Chen Files (Deleted) – Part 1: Taxes, Taxes, Taxes
Jay Chen is clearly a fan of massive tax hikes. As the Steel Campaign has noted here, here, here, and here, Chen is a proponent of a radical government takeover of health care which the nonpartisan Tax Foundation says places a $12,250 tax on every household in California.
Today, however, The Chen Files (Deleted) is highlighting that not only does Jay Chen want to raise taxes via his radical single payer health care plan, he also wants to raise taxes even higher on middle-class families by reversing the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts.
That’s right. $12,250 per household isn’t enough for Chen.
If Chen and his liberal buddies have their way, the “Tax Scam” as he calls it would be repealed in favor of an even more progressive tax code.
As if inflation and runaway gas prices weren’t enough, Chen would repeal tax cuts helping families AND tack on his radical health care plan to the tune of $12,250 per household.
With plans like these, it’s no wonder The Chen Files have been…deleted.