As inflation reaches 40-year high, Chen must explain support for massive tax hikes on CA working class families
Garden Grove, CA – Four days and only silence from Jay Chen who owes California’s families and small businesses an explanation for why he supports a radical government takeover of health care that will double taxes.
“Everything from gas to groceries are at all-time highs and Jay Chen wants to double taxes on working class families and small businesses – enough is enough, Chen owes families an explanation for supporting a radicalized healthcare scheme that comes with massive tax hikes,” said Michelle Steel spokesperson Lance Trover.
On Monday, the Steel campaign exposed Chen’s support for a single-payer plan that the nonpartisan Tax Foundation says will double taxes on all California households. On his web site Chen proudly proclaimed, “I became a delegate for Bernie Sanders in 2016 because I believed in his vision of a single-payer national health care program.”
Within minutes, Chen was furiously trying to scrub all mention of his support for single payer healthcare by deleting web pages.