Now Supports More Tax Increases & Doubling Size of IRS to Target Southern California Families, Small Business Owners
Apparently doubling taxes on California families isn’t enough for Jay Chen.
As an ardent supporter of Joe Biden and his Build Back Better agenda that includes the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”, Chen now backs increasing taxes in the middle of a recession and arming the IRS with 87,000 new employees to target Southern California families.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, “the agency would receive $80 billion in funding to hire as many as 87,000 additional employees. The increase would more than double the size of the IRS workforce, which currently has 78,661 full-time staffers, according to federal data.”
A report from the Joint Committee on Taxation says small business owners and those making under $200,000 will bear the brunt of the plan Chen supports.
“Perhaps the next time Jay Chen poses for Instagram at a restaurant, he can explain to the small business owners why he backs the Biden/Pelosi plan to not only raise their taxes but also arm the IRS to take even more of their hard-earned money,” said Michelle Steel Spokesman Lance Trover.