Washington Free Beacon
Collin Anderson
October 30, 2020
“Businesses connected to California Democratic representative Harley Rouda were subject to nearly $230,000 in local, state, and federal tax liens, documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.
“Rouda spent decades as a real estate executive prior to his successful congressional bid in 2018. The Democrat owned stakes in a multitude of companies in the industry through his investment firm, Trident Holdings, which he registered in 2001 under the name Real Living, Inc. In November 2011, the company received a Franklin County, Ohio, lien notice showing more than $117,000 in unpaid taxes from 2009 to 2011. Rouda served as the company’s “Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner” at the time, according to a 2009 Securities and Exchange Commission filing.
“Rouda’s business record has been subject to criticism in the Democrat’s tight reelection bid against Republican Orange County supervisor Michelle Steel. A former staff member at one of Rouda’s companies—HER Realtors—told the Free Beacon that Rouda cut health care benefits in 2013. In addition, a 2019 internal memo obtained by the Free Beacon notes that the company “won’t offer health care coverage.” Rouda has since called health care “a right for every American” in his 2020 campaign…
“The Democrat also terminated 401(k) benefits for Trident Holdings employees in 2015, documents obtained by the Free Beacon show. The move impacted “substantially all employees.” Roughly four years later as a member of Congress, the Democrat said that Americans who have “worked hard [their entire life] … deserve the opportunity to retire in peace” through employer-provided benefits and called retirement “a crucial part of the American dream.”
Read the rest here.